Biketours Belgium

Do you know the Manneken Pis?

At first glance, does the small country of Belgium seem a little inconspicuous? Compared to many other European countries such as its neighbours Germany and France, it is rather small. But if you think about Belgium, more and more exciting things come up to your mind that make a cycling trip in Belgium extremely attractive. Then you realize that in this country great culture and scenic beauty are packed together in a relatively small space. And then at the latest . . . you would like to get to know the small country of Belgium just a little more. Just do it!

Many people know the Manneken Pis and the Atomium in Brussels, even if they have never visited the Belgian capital. Belgium is also a centre of European comic culture and Belgian chocolate is as famous as Belgian beers, waffles and fries. Ostend is one of the most famous seaside resorts on the North Sea coast, Antwerp is one of the most important centres of diamond trade and in cities such as Bruges and Ghent, an outstanding architecture testifies to the times when both cities were important centres of cloth trade.

And so there are many good reasons to visit Belgium on a bike trip or on a trip by bike and boat. Rückenwind Reisen offers you a range of attractive trips through Belgium and its neighbouring countries. Take a boat and bike trip through Belgium and the Netherlands to get to know cities such as Amsterdam and Bruges. Or take the old Vennbahn trails through four European countries, each of which will inspire you. Look forward to a nice cycling holiday or to wonderful days by bike and boat in Belgium.

Experience a piece of Europe

Many of our bike tours through Belgium cross borders effortlessly. They will take you through at least two countries and will thus become a European experience that allows you to experience a united Europe. An example of this is our bike trip from Amsterdam to Bruges.

Amsterdam in the Netherlands is world-famous for its canals and for an outstanding flair that artfully blends high and everyday culture. From Amsterdam, we head to Bruges, the pearl of Flanders. The historical centre of the city has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2000. One of the outstanding historical places of Bruges is the Great Market with the famous Bruges Belfry. The 83-metre-high bell tower dates back to the 13th century. Bruges is also a good place to get to know the Belgian brewing tradition. If you are interested in beer and breweries, you should take a trip to the oldest brewery in the city: De Halve Maan Brewery.

You will get an equally good impression of Belgian landscapes and culture on our cycling holiday on the “Vierländer-Vennbahn. ” Alongside Belgium, you will experience the countries of Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Their route leads through the Eifel and the Ardennes. This makes the tours a bit more challenging than, for example, on the bike trip from Bruges to Amsterdam. But it’s worth it, because the slightly mountainous landscapes are simply magnificent.

This can be seen in the Belgian town of St. Vith at the interface of the Ardennes and the Eifel. More than forty percent of the city’s area consists of forest. Numerous hiking and biking trails invite you to go on excursions; and also culinary St. Vith has a lot to offer. So look forward to try the delicious and typical dishes of the region.

Easy to moderate
Germany / Netherlands / Luxemburg

Four Country Vennbahn Tour

8 Days | Self-guided tour
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To travel consultants

Only Belgium: what more does it need?

If you want to focus almost entirely on Belgium during your cycling trip, you should book our cycling tour in Belgian Flanders, which includes a trip to the sea. Worth seeing destinations of the trip include Antwerp, Ghent and Bruges. Nature is just as interesting as the cities: for example, in the river landscape of the Leie, which meanders as far as Ghent and flows into the Scheldt. Towards the end of this cycling tour, we head to the Belgian seaside resort of Knokke, which belongs to the Belgian town of Knokke-Heist. Here, the coast and beaches offer you plenty of opportunities for a swim in the sea at appropriate temperatures. But even on cooler days you will have a lot of fun in the beach bars or by strolling next to the water.

Belgium and more: on the road by bike and boat

In addition to pure cycling trips in Belgium and its neighboring countries, Rückenwind organizes boat trips and cycling trips through Belgium and the Netherlands for you. Like the previously presented bike tour with the same starting and finishing point, these tours take you from Amsterdam to Bruges. However, during the bike and boat holidays, you will stay on a boat for your overnights, where you will also receive good meals for your taste.

During the day you are on the road by bicycle and cycle to your daily destination, where the ship is already waiting for you. As an alternative to the bike tour, you can always decide to stay on board and enjoy the beautiful view while shipping through picturesque landscapes. We organise cycling and boat tours with selected boats that offer you the best conditions for a pleasant stay.

You can usually use a sun deck to relax in good weather while the beautiful river landscapes pass by. A ship like the MS Fluvius also offers an elegant panoramic lounge. Enjoy a family atmosphere and good facilities.

For boat and bike tours in Belgium and the Netherlands, we offer two variants where you can choose from: individual or guided bike tours. For an individual bike tour, you can use the information and maps prepared by us as well as – if required – GPS data also provided by us for your navigation device. With this type of tour you are more free to decide where you want to spend how much time...

On the guided bike tours you are traveling with a tour guide in a group. Here you can often get to know your fellow travelers better. In addition, the tour guide will provide you with exciting details about the destinations you are visiting. Both bike trip variants are appealing. And which of the two is the more appealing is always an individual decision.

Which bike tour in Belgium do you choose?

Would you like to get to know Belgium better during a holiday? Then take a look at our offer for bike and boat or pure bike trips in Belgium. All trips developed by us or our partners have been prepared with great attention to detail so that you can enjoy a wonderful holiday.

The destinations, accommodation, food, travel information and service provided by our staff are all carefully selected elements of an overall concept that has already made it possible for many people to enjoy an unforgettable holiday by bike or by boat. A holiday with Rückenwind Reisen is a dream holiday - in Belgium as well as in all other countries, where we organise holidays for you. See for yourself!